PodGórski Dom Autysty
Chapter I
General provisions.
- 1
- The Foundation under the name of Fundacja PodGórski Dom Autysty, hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation", was established by Founders Tomasz Górski and Anna Maria Górska, hereinafter referred to as the "Founders", by a notarial deed drawn up at the Notary Office of Notary …
- The Foundation operates under the provisions of Polish law and this statute.
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- The Foundation has legal personality.
- In extra-legal transactions, e.g. for marketing purposes, the Foundation may use the abbreviated name – Fundacja PodGórski.
- 3
The seat of the Foundation is Skrzynki, Stęszew commune.
- 4
The Foundation is supervised by minister responsible for social security.
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- The area of activity of the Foundation is the territory of the Republic of Poland,
to the extent necessary for the proper implementation of its objectives, it may also operate outside the borders of the Republic of Poland. - The duration of the Foundation's operation is indefinite.
- The Foundation may be a member of national and international organizations with similar objectives and permitted under Polish law.
- For the purposes of cooperation with foreign countries, the Foundation may use a translation of its name in selected foreign languages.
- The Foundation may confer honorary titles and establish orders, badges, medals and other distinctions and award them together with other titles and prizes.
and distinctions to natural persons, legal persons and organizational units without legal personality who have made outstanding contributions to the ideas or goals chosen by the Foundation. - The Foundation may use seals, badges and logos in accordance with applicable regulations.
Chapter II
Objectives and principles of operation of the Foundation.
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The purpose of the Foundation is:
- activities for disabled people;
- activities for people with autism;
- activities in the field of social assistance, including assistance to families and individuals
in difficult life situations and equalising the opportunities of these families and individuals; - charitable activities;
- family-friendly activities;
- health prevention;
- promoting a healthy lifestyle;
- counteracting all forms of social exclusion;
- counteracting addictions;
- education of children and youth;
- implementation of tasks in the field of health protection and promotion, including medical activities within the meaning of the Act of 15 April 2011 on medical activities.
- 7
- The Foundation may pursue its goals by:
- running a social welfare home;
- running day or 24-hour support centres for people with disabilities or autism;
- supporting home care for people with disabilities or autism;
- implementation of other forms of assistance to disabled persons or persons
with autism; - cooperation in organizing other forms of social assistance;
- running a healthcare facility;
- reaching out to people with disabilities or autism and activating them, especially in life, socially and professionally;
- providing support, including psychological, psychiatric, medical and rehabilitation support, for people with disabilities or autism
and the relatives of these people; - undertaking and supporting initiatives in the field of education, culture and art, tourism, integration, as well as sports and recreation for people with disabilities or autism;
- undertaking and supporting initiatives concerning people with disabilities or autism in the systemic and legislative scope;
- promoting knowledge about the essence of disability and autism;
- information and educational activities to make society aware that disabled people or people with autism are full citizens of the Republic of Poland;
- organising occupational therapy workshops;
- implementation of other tasks in the field of professional and social rehabilitation of disabled persons or persons with autism;
- creating favourable conditions for the functioning of disabled people or people with autism in society;
- publishing activities, including the publishing of books, magazines and non-periodical publications, as well as Internet publishing activities and the production of films and video recordings;
- activities in the field of implementing health harm reduction programs
and social, as well as preventive; - organisation of events promoting a healthy lifestyle;
- educational activities, including the organisation of workshops, training courses and conferences;
- counteracting exclusion, addictions and social pathologies;
- organising and supporting volunteering;
- cooperation with other non-governmental organisations;
- cooperation with authorities, state and local government administration and economic organizations with a similar profile;
- cooperation with scientific and social institutions and organisations
and private individuals; - supporting educational and training activities based on
about available financial resources; - research, analytical and educational activities aimed at achieving the statutory objectives of the Foundation;
- promoting the brand "PodGórski Dom Autisty Foundation";
- preparing and publishing studies, analyses and evaluations;
- conducting information, popularisation and publishing activities;
- promotion and advertising;
- conducting other activities conducive to the development of the statutory objectives of the Foundation;
- bearing costs achieving the Foundation’s objectives, including undertaking the above-mentioned activities.
- The statutory activities of the Foundation may be conducted as unpaid activities or as paid activities within the meaning of the provisions of the Act on Public Benefit Activities. Both of these forms of activity will be accounted for separately to the extent that allows for determining revenues, costs and results, taking into account accounting regulations.
- 8
- To achieve its goals, the Foundation may support the activities of other people.
and institutions consistent with its goals, as well as joining associations as a supporting member. - The Foundation may establish new foundations and companies, as well as join existing ones.
Chapter III
Assets and income of the Foundation.
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The assets of the Foundation are its founding fund in the amount of PLN 2,000.00 (in words: two thousand zlotys, 00/100), which consists of the sum of cash amounts contributed by the Founders, each of whom contributes PLN 1,000.00 (in words: one thousand zlotys, 00/100) and other property acquired by the Foundation in the course of its operation.
- 10
The Foundation’s income may come in particular from:
- founding fund;
- contributions and fees;
- donations, inheritances, bequests;
- subsidies and subventions as well as grants, contracts, European Union funds and other public funds;
- income from collections and public events, lotteries and auctions;
- revenue from sponsors;
- shares, stocks, bonds and possibly other securities and property and non-property rights;
- execution of public procurement contracts in accordance with separate regulations;
- income from the Foundation’s assets, including movable and immovable property;
- interest on bank deposits;
- from business activities, if conducted;
- other sources and activities not mentioned above that serve to achieve the statutory objectives of the Foundation.
- 11
- The Foundation's assets are intended to implement the Foundation's statutory objectives and to cover the costs of the Foundation's activities.
- Income from grants, subsidies, donations, inheritances and bequests may be used to achieve the Foundation's goals only with respect for the will of the testators or donors.
- In the event that the Foundation is appointed for inheritance, its Management Board shall submit a declaration
on acceptance or rejection of an inheritance. - The Foundation's assets may be invested in business ventures run by the Foundation, bank deposits, securities, and real estate and movables acquired for the implementation of its statutory goals.
- Real estate owned by the Foundation may be transferred only with the consent of the Founders expressed in writing.
- The Foundation's fiscal year is the calendar year.
Chapter IV
Bodies of the Foundation.
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- The bodies of the Foundation are the Founders and the Management Board of the Foundation, hereinafter referred to as the "Management Board".
- The function of the Founders as the governing body of the Foundation is performed by Tomasz Górski and Anna Maria Górska, founders of the Foundation.
Board of the Foundation.
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- The Management Board consists of 1 to 3 people and is appointed by a resolution of the Founders.
- The term of office of the Management Board is indefinite.
- When appointing the Management Board, the Founders indicate the President, Vice-Presidents or members of the Management Board by name.
- In the case of a one-person Management Board, the only member of the Management Board serves as the President of the Foundation.
- If it is necessary to supplement the composition of the Foundation's Management Board, the decision
The Founders decide on the appointment of a new member of the Management Board.
- 14
- Membership in the Management Board expires upon death, loss of public rights, resignation from membership or dismissal.
- Members of the Foundation's Management Board may be dismissed by a resolution of the Founders at any time.
- If a member of the Management Board ceases to perform his function, the Founders may appoint a new member of the Management Board in his place.
- Meetings of the Management Board are held as needed, but no less than once a year. If the Management Board consists of only one person, holding meetings is not necessary, unless such an obligation results from legal regulations.
- The Management Board meeting is convened by the President, who sends information about the date in the customary manner, in particular by e-mail.
- All members of the Management Board must be notified of the Management Board meeting.
- Whenever the statute refers to a meeting, this should also be understood as communication between members of the Management Board by means of videoconferencing or other audiovisual means of remote communication.
- The Management Board makes decisions at meetings in the form of resolutions, by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the Management Board members, unless the statute provides otherwise. In the event of an equal number of votes, the vote of the President of the Management Board is decisive.
In the absence of a majority, the President of the Management Board has the deciding vote. The procedure for the Management Board's operation may be specified in the regulations adopted by it.
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- The Management Board manages the activities of the Foundation and represents it externally.
- The tasks of the Management Board include in particular:
- adopting the Foundation’s multi-annual and annual action plans and financial plans;
- adopting regulations;
- managing the Foundation’s assets;
- development of the organisational structures of the Foundation;
- establishing employment and salary plans and defining the principles of remuneration for full-time and part-time employees of the Foundation and the reimbursement of expenses incurred by volunteers;
- adopting resolutions on joining or leaving other organisations, establishing foundations or companies;
- employing employees to achieve statutory goals;
- accepting donations, inheritances and bequests, subsidies, subsidies and grants;
- managing work related to the implementation of the statutory objectives of the Foundation;
- establishing awards, distinctions, distinctions and other forms of honouring persons who have contributed to the ideas and goals of the Foundation;
- submitting applications for changes to the Foundation’s statute, merger with another foundation and liquidation of the Foundation;
- preparation and adoption of annual substantive and financial reports;
- making decisions on all matters that have not been delegated to the Founders.
- The Management Board may appoint proxies to manage a separate sphere of affairs pertaining to the Foundation's tasks.
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The person authorised to represent the Foundation externally and to make declarations on its behalf, both in property and non-property matters, is the President of the Management Board acting alone or two members of the Management Board acting jointly.
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- In order to provide substantive support for the statutory activities of the Foundation, the Founders may appoint the Foundation’s Program Council, deciding on its composition and role within the Council as well as its number.
- The tasks of the Programme Council include in particular:
- providing opinions for the Foundation’s Management Board on the most important activity programmes of the Foundation;
- putting forward initiatives concerning new undertakings within the scope of the statutory activities of the Foundation and presenting them to the Management Board of the Foundation;
- working to build a good image of the Foundation by promoting the Foundation’s goals and achievements.
- Resolutions of the Program Council are passed by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the Council meeting. In the event of an equal number of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Program Council is decisive.
- Resolutions of the Programme Council are advisory and opinion-forming in nature.
- Resolutions of the Programme Council are not binding on the Management Board of the Foundation.
- The term of office of the Program Council is indefinite. The Founders are responsible for appointing and dismissing members of the Council.
Chapter V
Foundation employees.
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- Members of the Management Board may, but do not have to, be in an employment or other legal relationship with the Foundation.
- Employment contracts or equivalent contracts with employees of the Foundation are concluded by the President of the Management Board. Employment contracts or equivalent contracts with members of the Management Board are concluded by the Founders. If the Founder is also a member of the Management Board, the employment contract or equivalent contract is concluded with him by the other Founder.
- Remuneration for members of the Management Board and employees of the Foundation is paid from the Foundation's funds.
Chapter VI
Economic activity of the Foundation.
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- The Foundation may conduct business activities independently or in cooperation with other entities in Poland and abroad, in accordance with the applicable regulations.
regulations in this respect. - The Foundation's economic activity may be conducted in the following areas:
- other extracurricular forms of education, not elsewhere classified (PKD 85.59.B);
- scientific research and development work in the field of social sciences and humanities (PKD 72.20.Z);
- activities supporting education (PKD 85.60.Z);
- activities of cultural facilities (PKD 90.04.Z);
- learning foreign languages (PKD 85.59.A);
- other health care activities not elsewhere classified (86.90.E);
- specialist medical practice (86.22.Z);
- hospital activities (86.10.Z);
- advertising (PKD 73.1);
- residential social assistance providing nursing care (PKD 87.10.Z);
- social assistance with accommodation for people with mental disorders (PKD 87.20.Z);
- social assistance for the elderly and disabled (PKD 87.30.Z);
- social assistance without accommodation for persons with mental disorders (PKD 88.10.Z);
- other social assistance without accommodation, not elsewhere classified (PKD 88.99.Z).
- Income from the Foundation's business activities is used exclusively to achieve the statutory objectives of the Foundation.
- The decision to commence business activity is made by the Founders.
In such a case, the Board will perform all necessary actions, including making an appropriate entry in the register of entrepreneurs. Until then, it is considered that the Foundation does not conduct business activity.
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- If the Foundation conducts business activities, these activities are managed by the Management Board.
- The Foundation may conduct business activities only in addition to the public benefit activities of the Foundation resulting from
from the provisions of this statute. - The Management Board allocates funds for running the business from its assets
and income of the Foundation. The value of assets allocated for business activities may not be less than PLN 1,000.00 (in words: one thousand zlotys, 00/100). - The Foundation may use income from business activities only to achieve its statutory goals.
Chapter VII
Change of Statute
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Changes to the Foundation's statute are made by the Founders. Changes to the statute may concern the goals for which the Foundation was established and specified in the founding act.
In the event of the death of one of the Founders, the above changes are made by the other Founder.
In the event of the death of the second Founder, changes to the statute are made by the Foundation's Management Board.
Chapter VIII
Merger with another foundation
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- The Foundation may merge with another foundation to effectively pursue its goals.
- A merger with another foundation may not take place if it could significantly change the purpose of the Foundation.
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In matters of merger with another Foundation, a unanimous decision of the Founders is required. In the event of the death of one of the Founders, the consent of the other Founder is given. In the event of the death of both Founders, the decision is made by the Management Board by way of a unanimous resolution.
Chapter IX
Liquidation of the Foundation
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- The Foundation shall be liquidated once the purposes for which it was established have been achieved.
or if its financial resources and assets are exhausted. - The liquidators of the Foundation are appointed and dismissed by the Management Board of the Foundation.
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The decision on liquidation is made by the Founders. In the event of the death of one of the Founders, the decision on liquidation of the Foundation is made by the other Founder. In the event of the death of the other Founder, the decision on liquidation is made by the Management Board by unanimous resolution.
- 26
The financial resources and assets remaining after the liquidation of the Foundation may be allocated by virtue of a resolution of the Management Board to organisations with similar purposes.
The statute was adopted in Skrzynki on January 11, 2024.